
BGES BAST Video Session

The online BGES/BAST Monday videosession is coming up, and hardly needs introduction. The session had been split in two due to time constraints  and screen fatigue. We are looking for 5 video presentations fort the monday  September 23, 2024. The evening will surely be stimulating and educational.  As customary, money prizes will be granted to the two best presentations of the contest.

RBSS Meet BAST weekend

Circus Hotel Casino Namur Av. Baron de Moreau 1, Namur

Save the date ! More informations soon !

VATS Cadaver Course 2025

Vesalius institute KULeuven ON1bis, Herestraat 49, bus 1031, Leuven

Save the date for VATS Cadaver Course 2025, more info soon !

Anatomy Cadaver Course – 3nd Edition

Vesalius institute KULeuven ON1bis, Herestraat 49, bus 1031, Leuven

The Next Anatomy Cadaver Course will take place the 21th of January, 2025. Save the date ! More info soon !