Survey on Bullying, Undermining Behavior and Harassment

During your surgical training, you may or may not have encountered/witnessed unacceptable behaviors such as Bullying, Undermining Behavior and Harassment. We would like to invite every General Surgery Trainee in Belgium to participate in this survey, to identify the extent of this problem that can affect your wellbeing and patient safety. All replies are confidential. Please only complete the survey once.

Sponsor investigator: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ghent University

Principal investigator: Niki Rashidian MD PhD, Department of General, HPB Surgery, and Liver Transplantation, Ghent University Hospital

If you have any questions or queries, please get in touch via email

Survey link and QR code:

Survey on early parenthood in surgeons

We are conducting a survey on experiences about breastfeeding, pregnancy and parental leave for surgical trainees and consultants in Europe. Literature on the physical, emotional and practical challenges encountered by women –and men- in relation to these topics is sparse, especially from outside the United States. The survey includes questions about breastfeeding, pregnancy and parental leave. The responses will be kept completely confidential, and data will be pseudonymised. All the answers will be stored in RedCap for 10 years. Personal data will not be shared outside of this research. The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete. No incentives will be provided for the participation. Participation is entirely voluntary and termination of participation can happen at any time.

Sponsor investigator: Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium

Principal investigator: Prof. dr. Gabriëlle van Ramshorst Surgical oncologist; Miss Yasuko Maeda
Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon; Helen Weber, master student; Mai Do Trinh Nhu, master student

Documents: ICF & Request

Survey link: