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Today course (NL) (Gent)

Our next ATLS course in Belgium organised by RBSS, will take place on November 08-09 2024. This will be a Flemish language course

BGES 24th Starters Hands-On Course – ORSI – Melle

ORSI Academy Proefhoevestraat 12, Melle, East-Flanders

24th Edition "BGES Starters Package" ORSI Academy
When: 15/11/2024 - 16/11/2024 08h15 - 17h00.
Where: ORSI Academy (Proefhoevestraat 12, 9090 Melle, East-Flanders, Belgium)
Language: English

Requirements for participation: 3rd of 4th year surgical trainee + BGES-membership
Places left: First come, first served
Registrations Open: Now

Call for Belgian Abdominal Wall Surgery Tour (RBSS)

Dear 5th and 6th year residents,


The Belgian Section of Abdominal Wall Surgery ( BSAWS ) and the RBSS will organize a Hernia Tour during the 2024-2025 academic year.

During this tour, 2 residents with a specific interest in hernia surgery will visit 5 participating hospitals and have the opportunity to learn different techniques in hernia repair and engage in face-to-face discussions with the hernia specialists.

Each visit will be a one-day visit and the tour includes both Flemish and French speaking hospitals.

If you are interested, please send your curriculum vitae and motivational letter to AND before 1/12/24. Candidates will be selected by the teachers of the participating hospitals.

Expert in the Field Webinar: “Endovascular management of aneurysmal disease in 2024”

Online via Microsoft Teams

Our next 'Expert in the Field" webinar which is scheduled for November 14, 2024 at 8 PM sharp. Registrations are open on our website for all BAST 2024 members. You will receive the webinar-link (Microsoft Teams) by mail a few days in advance. All webinars are free of charge and RIZIV/INAMI-accredited.

BSAWS Cadaver workshop in hernia repair 2024

CETRAS, Ghent Corneel Heymanslaan 10, Ghent, Oost-Vlaanderen

When: 22/11/2024 08h30 - 17h00
Where: CETRAS, UZ Gent, Belgium (Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000 Ghent)
Language: English
Price: 0€
Requirements for participation: RBSS-BAST Block Membership, > 3rd or 4th year surgical trainee
Registrations Open: soon.


Towards New Standards Symposium 2024

BMCC Bruges

Save the date for another edition of the well known Towards New Standards Symposium 2024. >>> December 5-6, 2024 <<<