Anatomy Cadaver Course – 3rd edition
Vesalius institute KULeuven ON1bis, Herestraat 49, bus 1031, LeuvenThe Next Anatomy Cadaver Course will take place the 21th of January, 2025. Registrations are open!
Belgian Section of Colorectal Surgery (BSCRS) – 21th Postgraduate Course
Belgian Section of ColoRectal Surgery (BSCRS)
Post Graduate Course
Provinciehuis, Leuven
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Expert in the Field Webinar: “Indications for mechanical support & ECMO placement”
Our next webinar will be on cardiac surgery with practical indications for mechinal support and how to place an ECMO.
RSWG Module 1D: Basic Dry Lab
CHU Tivoli La Louvière Av. Max Buset 34, La LouvièreWhen: 8/02/2025, 9AM - 12AM Where: CHU Tivoli La Louvière (dr. Vincenzo Simonelli) What: This half-day course provides hands-on experience
RSWG Module 1D: Basic Dry Lab
ORSI Academy Proefhoevestraat 12, MelleWhen: 15/02/2025, 9AM - 12AM Where: Orsi (dr. Jan Colpaert & dr. Mohamed Abasbassi) What: This half-day course provides hands-on
FYA – Find Your Algorithm
ILEC Conference Center 47 Lillie Rd, London SW6 1UD, United Kingdom, LondonWe negociate free registration for BAST Members using the code : 'BAST' during individual registration (instead of 500 euros).
The 5th edition of Find Your Algorithm will be held in London at the ILEC Conference Centre from February 28th to March 1st. This outstanding event will focus on the latest advances in Peripheral, Venous & Aortic treatment, with the three programs running in parallel in separate rooms. The core of our format is made by unique interaction between the participants during case-based discussions and hot topic debates.
BYCTS: Surgical Cardiac Anatomy: lecture + dissection workshop
Evening lecture on 27/02/2025 @19h30: Speaker: Prof. Dr. Peter Verbrugghe Location: Auditorium Van De Walle, UZ Leuven. Parking UZ Leuven, West (
Expert in the Field Webinar: “Basics in Proctology”
The next Expert in the Field Webinar will be hosted by dr. Dirk Van de Putte, colorectal surgeon at UZ
BSUGIS-BAST Spring Meeting 2025
Institut Jules Bordet Rue Meylemeersch 90, brusselBelgian Section for Upper GI Surgery (BSUGIS) - Belgian Association of Surgical Trainees (BAST)
Upper GI Surgery Nightmares
HUB New Bordet, Brussels
Open access and free for all the trainees without registration !
BAST-BYF Endovascular Skills Course 2025
DMB Medical Rijksweg 10, Bornem, AntwerpenWhen: 02/04/2025 13h00 - 18h00
Where: Arseus Medical, Rijksweg 10, Bornem, Antwerp, Belgium
Faculty: Dr. E. Tournaye & other BYF-members
Language: English
Price: 0€ (50€ deposit will be refunded after attendance)
Requirements for participation: BAST membership
Places: 16
Registrations Open: NOW
Registrations Close: 26/03/2025